
Address: 10125 N. Riverside Lane
Highland, Utah 84003
Phone: 858 205-4092
Career Bio
Most recently Chad launched Green Leader Ventures; a seed/early stage fund that backs Utah’s brightest and most inspiring entrepreneurs and then acts as an accelerator to help them achieve their dreams. He sits on the Boards and has operational oversight roles in several of the portfolio companies. In addition, he provides franchisor, real estate, and venture investment consultation to high net-worth individuals and franchise companies. To not lose sight of his roots and to "pay it forward," each month he also provides free franchise consulting to a select few first time franchise candidates.
As CEO, Chad’s led businesses in software and Internet, franchising, retail, manufacturing & distribution, and consumer services for over 30 years.
His Dating DNA venture is a profitable tech company that is both a successful website based business ( and is one of Apple’s top iOS App Developers, with over 40 apps ( – 20 of which are in the top 200 in the app store charts -- with two reaching #1 and another at #2 of their respective categories.
Franchise companies that he’s founded/co-founded led have sold over 500 franchises, in all 50 states and six countries--the highest profile being a 210 store franchise chain called Pro Image ( which sold licensed team NFL, NBA, MLB, & NCAA apparel. With only $1,000 start-up capital and no other debt or equity invested, Chad and his brother, Kevin, grew this company to be Inc. Magazines #160 Fastest Growing Small Business In The U.S. with 1000 system-wide employees and doing $100 million in annual sales.
During this same time, they innovated and opened another mall-based store called Kartoyz. This store specialized in retailing licensed automotive apparel and branded merchandise, which were not available at the time, so they negotiated deals and became a licensee of Porche, Ferrari, BMW, and many other automotive brands and began designing, manufacturing, and distributing licensed apparel items. They had a very successful exit in Kartoyz by selling it to the same public company that purchased the Pro Image.
Chad was the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Sadie's--a unique chain of creative children's digital photography stores located in malls throughout the country. This innovative concept produced the “World’s Most Creative Children’s Portraits” and was the first in the country to adopt leading edge digital photography technology and merge it into the Internet, in real time, to generate e-commerce to complement the traditional brick-and-mortar retail revenue.
Prior to Sadie’s, he started and led I.N.V.U. Portraits to 68 franchises, which made it the world's largest chain of children's vintage photography franchises. During this same time, Chad was a partner and Board Member as he actively assisted his brother, Kevin, in innovating and growing a mall based fast food specialty concept, called Nach-O Fast, to 65 franchise stores.
Another business he founded was I.N.V.U Apparel--a manufacturer of a Junior line of active-wear clothing with national distribution to specialty retailers and large department stores such as Nordstrom, J.C. Penny, Macy's, and Dillard's.
Chad’s business ventures have led him to receive numerous honors, including the National Young Entrepreneur of the Year by Chivas Regal. He was also named the Utah Small Business Person of the Year by the SBA. From there, he went on to receive the National Small Business Person of the Year Second Runner-up award presented by President George Bush at the White House. He was named as the Inc. Magazine/Ernst & Young Regional Entrepreneur of the Year and was inducted into the Institute of American Entrepreneurs. Chad is a graduate of Weber State University – B.S., Accounting.
Accomplished serial entrepreneur, executive leader, and private equity managing parnter with a strong portfolio of successes orchestrating the start-up, growth, and optimization of diverse businesses in franchising, retailing, software & Internet technology, consumer services, and manufacturing & distribution platforms.
C-Level Executive: Business Development
2010 - present
2010 - present
Dating DNA, LLC San Diego, CA
2007 - 2014
Work hand-in-hand with the CEO on the development, design, strategic direction, and vision of this Web 2.0 ( and mobile app concept ( and on-going product development of the website.
Responsibilities includes overseeing App Development and all administrative functions such as Operations, Finance, Accounting, Legal, IT, Customer Support, and HR
Helped innovate and launch 40 apps – 20 of which are in the top 200 in the app store charts -- with two reaching #1 and another at #2 of their respective categories.
B.S. -- Accounting
Weber State University Ogden, UT
1980 - 1984
Linspire, Inc. San Diego, CA
CFO/Board Of Directors
2003 - 2007
Happily married, four children, five grand children, excellent health.

© 2013 by CHAD H. OLSON. All rights reserved.

210 Pro Image Stores
Entrepreneur of the Year Awarded By President George Bush in the White House
Dating DNA apps -- Two #1 In iTunes App Store
Sadie's - The Concept that Revelotionized Digital Photography to the Internet
200th Pro Image Store Opening
Utah Jazzed Owened Store - Delta Center
Jazz Owner Larry Miller & Gov Norm Bangerter
Green Leader Ventures, LLC Highland, UT
Founder/Managing Partner
2014 - present
Chad launched Green Leader Ventures; a seed/early stage fund that backs Utah’s brightest and most inspiring entrepreneurs and then acts as an accelerator to help them achieve their dreams. He sits on the Boards and has operational oversight roles in several of the portfolio companies.

• National Young Entrepreneur of the Year by Chivas Regal.
• SBA Utah Small Business Person of the Year.
• SBA National Small Business Person of the Year Second Runner-up presented by President George Bush in the White House.
• Regional Entrepreneur of the Year by Inc. Magazine and Ernst & Young.
• Inducted into the institute of American Entrepreneurs.
Family activities, starting and building businesses, house-boating, water & snow skiing, dirt & road motorcycling, running & lifting weights, and traveling.
Developed and launched a fresh new retail concept of sports fan gift and apparel stores selling licensed team products from the NFL, NBA, MLB, & NCAA.
Opened over 210 company and franchise stores located in regional shopping malls and strip centers in 46 states, Canada, Puerto Rico, Germany, and Japan.
Improved average store sales by over 150%.
Grew the system-wide chain to over $100 million in sales and 1000 employees.
Built a sister company, TPI Distributors, that purchased, warehoused, and distributed wholesale inventory to the 210 stores world-wide.
Pro Image, Inc. ( Bountiful, UT
1985 - 1993
I.N.V.U. Apparel, LLC North Salt Lake, UT Founder/Chairman/CEO/President
1993 - 1995
Started an apparel design, manufacturing, and wholesale distribution company producing a casual line of junior apparel.
Put together a national sales force that opened and sold product to retailers, in 23 states, such as Dillard, Nordstrom’s, Macy's, & J.C. Penny’s.
Joined this high-tech company with the primary desire to take it public.
Managed and supervised Operations, Finance, Accounting, Legal, and HR.
Brought the company out of start up mode by organizing an independent board, and upgrading accounting, legal, and its' policies and practices.
Helped lead the company in a turn around by cutting expenses 65% while growing revenue by 1,100% to achieve profitability.
Put together and led the IPO team of Investment Bankers, Attorney's, Investor Relation Firms, as we worked with the SEC and NASD.
Traveled and participated with the CEO in the 21 city IPO road show.
Worked closely with the CEO to grow this desktop computer software company to be one of the leading commercial desktop Linux companies targeting OEM's and consumers.
Innovated and launched a revolutionary photography retail concept producing “World’s Most Creative Children’s Portraits.”
The First in the country to implement leading edge digital photography technology and merge it into the Internet, in real time, to generate e-commerce to complement the traditional brick-and-mortar retail revenue.
In the first 18-months, opened a chain of unique company owned retail stores/studios located in regional shopping malls all east of the Mississippi and averaging $1 million in sales per store before succefully exiting.
Sadie's, LLC Bountiful, UT
2000 - 2003
I.N.V.U. Portraits Bountiful, UT
1995 -2000
Created a new vintage and hand-colored line of photography products that tied into a unique marketing program with national retailers such as Nordstrom’s, Dillard’s, Marshall Field’s and Gap.
Built the company to over 68 I.N.V.U. Portrait franchises covering 26 states becoming the world’s largest producer of vintage/hand-tinted portraiture.
Began a sister company, In-Vu Lab, that handled all portrait developing, hand-coloring, framing and shipping of products for thousands of customers across the country.

Designer Autographed I.N.V.U. Apparel Parody Shirt That Took Nordstrom's By Storm
Kartoyz - The concept that brought car branded apparel to consumers
Kartoyz store - Cash Register
Kartoyz store - Cash Register
I.N.V.U. Portraits - Vintage Portraits

Kartoyz - 1st in country to secure, manufacture and retail licensed automobile branded apparel